Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Inaguration of Barack Obama

As Bruce Springsteen and Pete Seeger sang “this land is your land, this land is my land” to a giant mass of people, I was shoved out of the way by a line of people trying to get a better view of this message of sharing. Yessiree, in case you weren’t paying attention just two weeks ago the united states held an Important and historic inauguration that was significant because it was the first presidential election in more than ten years where the president being inaugurated was not George Bush. Needless to say, this alone was enough to make people pretty excited no matter who (or what) was getting inaugurated. As luck would have it, the inaguree (not correct) also happens to be an intelligent and motivating man who seems to have some good ideas. The overriding theme of the whole event was supposed to be “hope” but it turned out to be “crowds”. The other theme was supposed to be “we are one” which was actually surprisingly accurate as the only way to move anywhere was to just sort of blindly join yourself to one giant group of people and see where you end up. More often than not, it took me right into another crowd of people.

But there was more too see than the rear ends of countless countrymen; there were also countless cars to drive those countless rear ends around as well as countless pieces of Obama merchandise. There were Obama T-shirts, Obama Posters, Obama Calendars, Obama Condoms and Obama Pins (don’t get those last two confused). There was so much Obama merchandise that… I, uh, there was a lot of Obama merchandise.

In the end, it was a positive experience. It may have been cold and crowded and I couldn’t see the events, well, at all, and the food may have been bad and the vast majority of my time was spent waiting in line and… what was I talking about? Oh yes, it was not that bad at all. I don’t want to get all new-agey on you, but there is an energy that flows through an event with that many people and excitement and just to be among all that was very cool. The program I attended also featured famous political speakers Colin Powell, Al Gore and Snoop Dogg to teach us about leadership, smoking wizzle and environmental responsibility, respectively. So, I give the inauguration an 8/10.

Well, now that we’ve covered a historic inauguration that will dictate that future of our country, let’s move onto the real important things. Namely, what’s going on with this blog? Well, I’m proud to announce that the critic of everything is returning to once again take its rightful place amongst your internet bookmarks. There will always be lot’s for me to do with school and playing video games and such, but I really want to do what I can (I’m going to shoot for three updates a week) for my loyal readers, but more importantly, for my loyal and lovely friends.

(Neither Snoop Dogg nor Wizzle was part of my Inaugural experience; I just wanted to sound cool)

Also, if you want to see my pictures of the inauguration with stupid comments follow this link (I'm well aware that most/all of my readers have already gone there, so don't bother pointing that out):

1 comment:

Nick said...

Thanks for posting this. It makes me happy that you are going to continue this blog, because I've missed it.

Oh, and I wanted to point out that I've seen most of the pictures you linked to her. Oh wait... nevermind.