Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rhetorical Questions

Here's a piece of something to ponder. Why is this blog here? What am I trying to achieve by having it here? Let's just start with what I know, I want this to mainly be a place for reviews, because I enjoy telling people what I think about various things. However, I also understand that with no particular regularity to when, what or why or even how I choose to review things that it's a pretty worthless resource in terms of getting an opinion on something that you might actually care about beforehand. As such, I understand that the appeal of this blog basically needs to come from me, since I am the only unique thing that my blog has to offer.
So I want to ask you, my giant fan base of two, what would you like to see here that would make this blog interesting to you. Throw out any idea you like, because, well, I need to feel like I have some sort of reason to write stuff here.


Tawd said...

How about blogging about the things that make you angry, annoyed, happy, sad, bemused, amused, confused. Just your observations on things in general will keep me returning to read more. Having a chance to view life through Woody colored glasses from time to time is all I need.

Nick said...

Just write what is in your mind, because I'm always eager to hear. But I agree with Tawd, I do quite like it when you write about something that annoys you. The Woody Colored Glasses is all I need also. With sparkles.

Wootex said...

Thanks a lot guys. Just that little re-affirmation is all I really need.