The first thing I learned was that zany's first use is as a noun: "one who acts the buffoon to amuse others" wheras the adjective form is just a descriptor for somebody who acts like a zany.
This was the first picture I got when I image-searched zany, he's DJ zany, even if he doesn't look it
Wacky simply describes an eccentric or silly person. So, I guess the way I see it is a zany person might make more of a conscious effort to be funny and weird, wheras for a wacky person it just comes out naturally.
This wacky picture is far wackier than the zany picture is zany, especially that "stock photo" part, because I'm relatively sure that it's not a photograph, at least, I sincerely hope not.
I guess the main lesson to take from this post is that it would be grammatically correct to refer to somebody as a wacky zany. Are you now chock full of knowledge?
I would like to teach you the word DERANT. It is the verification word I had to type in to post this comment.
Now it wants me to type in FROUSHR. Other verification words include rehallis, corkshle, fiesses, and the ever popular lowari. Those words are dank, but not as dank as exylli.
I got dieness.. not sure if I should be worried or not "I would open a can of dieness to get a touch of zaniness in my life right now" There i used my verification word in a sentence.
had to have a sentence with the new verification word. "hothe" as in All the people that knew him agreed that he was one heck of a hothe!!
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