Monday, October 13, 2008


Platform: Arcade (available on Midway Arcade Treasures 2 for Xbox, PS2 and GC)
Genre: Anti-Drug Shoot em up
Winners don't use drugs

You are the NARC. The task has fallen upon you to help clean up the drug infested streets of your fair city and end the reign of the K.R.A.K Corporation… I wonder what they could possibly manufacture at the K.R.A.K Company. Anyway, as the NARC, you can get up close to and bust the countless offenders, sending them off to rehabilitation and helping them get their lives back on track and become contributing members of society. Or you can blow them into tiny bits with your rocket launcher. Whichever tactic you choose, you can take solace in the fact that you are making your city a safer place for all the children who simply want to take a walk down the street. So long as they avoid the flaming limbs falling from the sky.

Even though it’s not particularly good, NARC is worth checking out once just to see some of the old school zaniness. About the time I was blasting missiles at a fat man in a wheel chair I couldn’t help but feel thankful to be playing a game with a positive message behind it.


Tawd said...

again, what could be more fun than blowing drug dealers into tiny bits?? and yes, this seems like more your forte, as I have always enjoyed you being a critic of everything. Keep that critical eye focused on the world Woody, we need it!!

Wootex said...

Yeah, it just feels more right.